“For the one who carries the wolfofpraxis in him, you are not alone”
On March 2nd, a police post was set on fire which is located beside the Tugu Mahkota, Solo, Indonesia and the throwing of Molotov cocktails at the Waskita Colomadu Factory in Solo, Indonesia.
We claim these actions were the actions of our conspirators aiming to attack the authorities and corporations responsible for land grabbing and ecocides!
The world has changed a lot and rebellion against power should not be far behind in its efforts to develop strategies relevant to the situation of each locality. We don’t want to reduce Our struggle is similar to that of the “anarcho-leftist/syndicalist” Marx’s left and great-grandsons who always fall into the same pit in their own struggle to simply seize the means of production. in this case we want to destroy the means of production or whatever exploiting machines dominate for us.
There are many things I would like to tell you, and, in my opinion, words will always fall short to express the intensity and the particularity of what I feel. I would like to thank each and every one of you without having to repeat a “thank you”, but with a hand when you need it, with deeds and not with letters, however, at that moment, perhaps, the only action I have left is to continue resisting as, until now, I have done together with my blood brother, and together with the subversive brothers and sisters, here in Rancagua, Santiago, or any prison in the world.
There is not a day that goes by that I do not long for a bit of the freedom “of the street”, which, although often illusory and turned into an open-air prison, material at times, and immaterial many others, is undoubtedly preferable to being in this barren courtyard. There is not a day when I do not look at the poplars that move with the wind, high and far from the barbed wire, the concrete and the gazes of the gendarmes, and I wish I was caressing the greenery of a tree, the warmth of a complicit embrace, or the intensity of the meeting of my eyes and those of someone I have not seen for a long time. But I also know that all this is part of what I have decided, that, although it hurts me, and I do not wish prison for anyone, it has never been a novelty this destiny, it has never been a novelty to resist it and try to erode its structures (physical and mental) as much as we can, to break its rigidity and confinement. And, although there are things in which I know I have failed, or which could have been better in terms of my experience there, I am sure there is nothing I can’t learn from it for my present, constant self-criticism has always been, for me, not a necessity, but a life decision which, although sometimes painful, brings with it the only thing I venture to believe is a “universal law”: constant change.
For the rest of this life (and perhaps others), I will be grateful to friends, kindred spirits, siblings and loves, and even if I am flooded with rage, grief and helplessness, I know that sooner or later, one way or another, I will see them again.
“(…)with a loving heart that lays bare before the comrade, with one hand tender and the other armed (…)”
-G. Pombo da Silva
As I write this reflection on the day that marks one year since the Chilean State kidnapped Francisco and me, I hear the voices of comrades demonstrating outside the prison. On the other side of the bars, fences and walls, there are restless hands and hearts acting for those of us inside the cages of capital. On this occasion, not only did their shouts reach me, but I also received a pamphlet. The wind brought a beautiful and unexpected gift: beautiful anarchist propaganda!
For those of us who do or have done anti-authoritarian propaganda actions, many times we do not dimension the consequences that these can have on other people. In principle, the objective of any propaganda is to deliver a message, which ideally incites or inspires others to act against the current system of terror. But, perhaps, the receiver of this message will not act, will not be affected by the appeal and will remain a passive spectator. In that case, it is worth asking ourselves, perhaps the propaganda was not effective enough, what is it that leads an individual to confront what dominates him or her? Likewise, what drives someone to live passively in a world of misery and oppression?
I asked myself these kinds of questions on many occasions, sometimes I thought I had found answers but with time I understood that individual freedom, that is, the decisions and actions of others, cannot and should not be measured or foreseen. To speak of individual freedom in the first instance, there must be knowledge of reality and of the factors that create or limit it. In order to decide, it is necessary to know, and propaganda is fundamental in the latter.
In my case, what pushed me to take the path of permanent conflict was undoubtedly the propaganda of others (among other factors). My political knowledge would have been very different if I had not been the recipient of endless propaganda. I don’t know if it was a pamphlet, a street scratch, a communiqué, etc. or maybe it was the set of messages, slogans that led me to question and confront the hegemony of power and the society that sustains and needs it.
Today a simple piece of paper broke all the suggestive measures of this prison and flew to me. This propaganda in this place takes on an extra aspect; it showed me that no matter how much power has or pretends to have us prisoners who fight for a world where only mutual support and solidarity rule, we will never be alone.
We need a lot of propaganda, we need a lot of direct actions, if we want to hit capitalism and the relations it generates, as well as the imposed hegemony of power.
I take this opportunity to send a strong fraternal embrace to the Vergara Toledo family. Luisa Toledo was a propagandist who contributed greatly to the proliferation of many generations of young fighters.
Death to the state and long live anarchy!
Mónica Caballero, anarchist prisoner
San Miguel Prison
July 2021.
“By all means, I believe the violence within us is just. It’s necessary. I believe that we can no longer try to turn the other cheek. Not only is this motto a lie, but it also isn’t good for anybody. It can’t be. We have to capable of defending ourselves by being beautifully violent. We must cover our faces and go out into the street to be against everything that represents the atrocious powers we fight against.”– Luisa Toledo Sepúlveda
Words from Prisons for Luisa Toledo Sepúlveda.
Our mother, grandmother and eternal comrade Luisa Toledo Sepúlveda has left. From the different centers of punishment and isolation where we have traveled for decades and years, maintaining upward the autonomous, subversive and anarchic resistance, we meet again at the hearth of our herd to eternally embrace “Luisa”, our subversive mother.
We are in pain, with our hearts broken, traveling between different generations of comrades to whom the words and actions of “grandmother” have marked the journey for years from children in the town, rebellious adolescents and young combatants.
Feel the power of her voice as the voice of her children who at the same time are all of us who have been undeniably marked with the certainty of her words of fire, of bullets, of roars, of conspiracy, of conscience, of beautifully violent memory, from the inalienable insistence to the frontal fight against the world of power and all authority.
Your children who resist in prisons, the fugitives who remain in struggle, from different territories of the planet where your name is heard as a synonym of Resistance, Memory and Subversion, today, we shout together and united very loud and clear that we continue unconditionally hoisting the banner of social war, the permanent gesture of the conflict in the struggle for total liberation.
We call on all rebels who worthily claim the frontal struggle against power through direct action to demonstrate in war with concrete gestures in memory of Luisa Toledo Sepúlveda.
We call to keep alive the fire of her voice, her fighting spirit, her wise words, her incessant practice always on the side of illegality in clear subversive complicity.
We hug you and we are with you. Manolo, Flaca, Sol, Alen.
We salute Villa Francia and all the accomplices.
We embrace the Peñi and Lamngen at war!!
We embrace you with eternal love in war, dear woman, mother, grandmother, comrade!!
Luisa Toledo Sepúlveda, you live in the anti-authoritarian, autonomous, subversive and anarchic struggle forever!!
As long as there is misery, there will be rebellion!!
Death to the state and long live anarchy!
Combatant youth: permanent insurrection!!
Until destroying the last bastion of prison society!
Towards total liberation!!
Pablo Bahamondes Ortiz, Jail company Stgo 1.
Monica Caballero Sepúlveda, San Miguel female prison.
Marcelo Villarroel Sepulveda, Juan Aliste Vega, Joaquin Garcia Chanks, Juan Flores Riquelme, Francisco Solar Domínguez, Rancagua company jail.
Tuesday July 6, 2021- Santiago, Rancagua. Territories dominated by the Chilean state.
“…The jump to a Politics of Fronts is necessary and possible for the fighting forces which aim to effectively determine the conflict. That is why all ideological-dogmatic positions that exist today must fall and be overcome, between the fighting forces and the revolutionary movement, since they divide the fighters. These positions are not capable of leading the struggles and the attack, at the necessary level of political determination. The Front develops around practical attack, in a conscious and organised path in which the next moments of unity of the fighting forces mature. Because to organise the fighting revolutionary front, means to organise the attack.”
A Politics of Fronts
Red Army Faction – New Red Brigades/Communist Combatant Party
“They say the first thing that dies at war, is truth”
Wanting to place the above statement in a radical direction, we can say that revolutionary war is the war of truth against its death, in the wars which take place under the blood-soaked flags of power and capitalism. The flags of racism, patriarchy, militarism, imperialist interests, exploitations, techno-totalitarianism.
In the face of these wars, the revolutionary war acquires a specific character. It means our militant opposition to the political-economic and military plans of capitalism and at the same time the restoration of historical legacy and memory of struggle against oblivion, inside the social fields in which we operate. The struggle of the truth of a struggle with a thousand forms that rises against propaganda and the mechanisms of power.
The capitalist crisis is deepening and the contradictions are sharpening. The “end of history” as preached by the apologists of capitalism has not come, on the contrary the historical bets on the final overcoming of a greedy and inhuman system constantly raise radical questions and arm the struggles that are breaking out all over the world.
The news bulletins, the police announcements, the threats by politicians are not just the voices that spread confusion. It is the institutional representation of the – classist and without limits – violence of the system. It is the uniformed guards who beat us in the demonstrations and in the neighbourhood squares, it is the queues for unemployment benefits, the loose and badly paid hours, the unpaid overtime, the terrorism of capital of us who are part of the new working shift. It is the cops who will enter our universities to control our every move, it is the life they are stealing from us every day demanding more discipline, more working hours, more taxes, more indifference in the face of the authoritarian exploitation of the oppressed. Continue reading “Public proposition for the constitution of a network of revolutionary violence – Report on the first cycle of incendiary propaganda and call for mobilisation in the Direct Action Cells”→
We present a new book by Black International Editions, an internationalist project of anarchic diffusion that, from an informal and seditious anarcho-insurrectional intent, resurfaces in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and English, with a new title: “Incendiary Dialogues: For the Propagation of Anarchic Sedition”. The title is based on a dialogue on the course of the anarchic war between comrades Alfredo Cóspito, Gustavo Rodríguez and Gabriel Pombo da Silva.
We consciously decided to launch this booklet on May 22, in timely celebration of Chaos Day, remembering anarchist comrade Mauricio Morales, who, on a day like today in 2009 left this life fighting against Power when the bomb he was carrying in his backpack exploded prematurely, detonating a few meters away from the Gendarmerie School in Chile.
We dedicate this book to all our comrades in prison around the world, with a special dedication to our comrade Alfredo Cóspito, imprisoned in Italy, and to our beloved Gabriel Pombo Da Silva, who was arrested in Portugal and extradited to Spain at the time this book was published. We send all our strength to comrade Gabriel in the face of this new revenge by the authorities for his eternal irreducible struggle.
This book will have printed versions that will circulate in affinity spaces, among comrades and diverse anarchic projects around the world. We invite you to actively support its diffusion by sharing its digital version, printing copies and/or making presentations and launches wherever there is a willingness to do the impossible in order to spread chaos and extend anarchic warfare.
Editorial collaborators of Black International Editions.