We know the character of the police officers and if there is a reason to analyze and enumerate their atrocities, it is simply so that one does not forget who we are up against and what they are capable of doing. For the organs of the state it is just a Wednesday where they use disproportionate violence to stomp on a man in front of his young child, it is just a Wednesday when they handcuffed a man who is not charged with anything and according to them is indicted, it is just a Wednesday when they defame a man and spread the word that he molested a young girl, it was just a Wednesday.
The developments from that moment onwards will be rapid, proving the pre-arranged indictment of the comrade and the unprecedented method of the police to fabricate guilty parties. It is clear that in recent times the ΕΛΑΣ (general greek police) has been seeking the final blow to those who stubbornly resist the pervasive social numbness that prevails. The cases are numerous, the instances where the state attacked the radical part of society in the years of the pandemic are countless. Now we are seeing a substantial upgrading in that it is moving away from brutal repression at the level of street and mass demands to criminal repression aimed at the physical elimination of as many militants as possible. The constant and “infallible” weapon of state repression has been DNA for several years now. Lately, the cases of prosecutions with the sole evidence of DNA have been increasing, here we have to explain what this evidence means and how it is created by the police authorities and their laboratories. Almost all of the prosecutions involving DNA are carried out with mixtures of biological material found on movable objects. DNA in itself is not evidence (not even in pioneering America, which practiced DNA mixture analysis for decades until finally rejecting it as unsafe) and the reason it is not and could not be evidence is that even if it is fully identified with an individual the ease of its transfer has proven to be scientifically frighteningly easy. Continue reading “Athens, Greece: For anarchist comrade Haris Mantzouridis”