Tag: Alfredo Cospito
Video: Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Phoenix Project – An account of the FAI/IRF Project ‘Phoenix’ (Black International) 2015
English subtitled version of the film giving the account of the early part of the Phoenix Project, international project of sabotage and attack with over a dozen hits in a variety of different countries.
Dedicated to Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai, Olga Cell FAI/IRF, who took responsibility for the laming of CEO Roberto Adinolfi of Ansaldo Nucleare.
“We are here, where everything starts now.”
The Project of ‘Phoenix’ is the unfolding of a hidden map marking one of the routes to the Atlantis of practical theory. An unknown and lost continent that exists beyond the edges of the burning cities of the interzone. Created through action, dialogue and ideas and organised informally with anarchic principles of permanent autonomous attack, revolutionary solidarity and internationalism. A sequence of attacks by different radical direct action groups around the world, breaking the silence of isolation and striking back again against the prison societies of the techno-industrial system.
The imprisoned members of CCF are charged with instigation for the attacks, Spyros Mandylas and Andreas Tsavdaridis were arrested and charged for act #4 in the project, sending a parcel-bomb to the former commander of the anti-terrorist agency, Dimitris Xorianopoulos, whilst Christos Rodopoulos is reportedly accused of the mailing of the parcel bomb to Dimitris Mokkas, chief prosecutor in the CCF case, as act #6.
The Phoenix project is now renewed through the 2015 attacks in Chile, Czech Republic and Greece, with the comrades within the territory of Czech Republic initiating the campaign “Let’s destroy repression“. The story of the Phoenix continues to be written…
Source: 325
DN Note: Eternal gratitude to the comrade who sent a copy of the English version of video our way that dissapeared from cyberspace.
Below we translate the article from the reposting of the Spanish version of the video that inspired us to repost the English version.
Nothing is over, everything continues…
(2013) Proyecto Fénix, video
Extraído desde otras páginas de contrainformación. El video en griego fue publicado en el año 2013 y traducido a diferentes idiomas en los años posteriores. Recordar que actualmente todxs los miembrxs de la Conspiración de Células del Fuego se encuentran en la calle, los compañeros Alfredo Cospito y Nicola Gai permanecen encarcelados en Italia y nueamente condenados por atentados explosivos de hace varios años atrás.
Puedes leer más acerca del juicio por Proyecto Fénix en Publicación Refractario.
PROYECTO FÉNIX (traducido al español, 2015)
El “Proyecto Fénix” nace como un gesto solidario dedicado a Alfredo Cospito y Nicola Gai, del “Núcleo Olga FAI/FRI” que asumió la responsabilidad del ataque armado contra Roberto Adinolfi, empresario nuclear de “Ansaldo Nucleare”, y además como una iniciativa internacional de ataque, comenzando en Grecia con la colocación de un artefacto explosivo contra la Directora de la Prisión de Korydallos.
La expansión de las acciones enmarcadas dentro del proyecto se desarrolla a lo largo y ancho de distintos territorios donde la práctica insurreccional pasa de la teoría a la acción, en absoluta consecuencia con las palabras de quienes se declaran en Guerra contra toda Autoridad y el Poder. A su vez, es un incandescente foco revolucionario que insta al diálogo y al debate entre distintos individuxs organizadxs de manera informal y difusa que dan forma al ataque permanente y minoritario.
La práctica del internacionalismo anárquico es uno de los cimientos del proyecto, es el momento donde el ataque autónomo encuentra un campo en común que une, nutre y potencia distintas realidades y tensiones, apuntando y calibrando en su alma la persiste confrontación contra lo existente.
Cada instancia de sabotaje y acción insurrecta coordinada en el Proyecto Fénix, significa asumir una proyección de lucha y combate que desafía sin tregua ni misericordia la paz del orden ciudadano, haciendo entender que cada sitio es un punto de conflicto, y que la expansión del ataque solo depende de nuestras capacidades y voluntades.
En ésta versión del video agregamos el resto de acciones desde el Noveno Acto (México) hasta el Catorceavo Acto (Reino Unido), que siguieron dando forma y pulso al proyecto durante el 2014. Durante el año 2015 se han realizado tres acciones enmarcadas dentro de esta iniciativa internacional de ataque, en Grecia el grupo “Anarquía Combativa FAI/FRI” reivindica un ataque incendiario contra oficinas de Microsoft, en República Checa la “Célula Poesía del Fuego FAI/FRI” asume la responsabilidad de un ataque incendiario contra un vehículo policial e inician la campaña “Vamos a destruir la represión”, mientras que en Chile un artefacto incendiario es activado en una sede de explotación animal y es reivindicado por la “Célula Anarquista de Ataque Incendiario “Fuego y Conciencia” FAI/FRI”.
Durante las últimas detenciones en Grecia, la policía vincula a Christos Rodopoulos con el paquete bomba enviado a Dimitris Mokkas, fiscal encargado del caso Conspiración de Células del Fuego, y continúa la investigación y el proceso contra los compañeros Spyros Mandylas y Andreas Tsavdaridis, que fueron detenidos y acusados de participar en el envío del paquete bomba contra Dimitris Xorianopoulos. Ambas acciones enmarcadas dentro del proyecto, acto seis y cuatro respectivamente.
Enviamos nuestra absoluta complicidad y hermandad con lxs compañerxs de la Conspiración de Células del Fuego en Grecia, saludamos la victoria de su huelga de hambre, y la permanente actitud de confrontación frente al carcelero, sin ceder ni un centímetro ni doblegándose ante la Autoridad. A la compañera Anggeliki Spyropoulou, que pese a las avanzadas represivas se mantiene digna y de frente al enemigo.
DN Note: Unfortunatly the English translation of the Project Phoenix video has dissapeared from the Internet. We would appreciate any copies that anyone may have to be sent to us or to communicate with us if anyone is willing to translate the subs, even create a new English version.
About the Switch Off! attack campaign
A year ago in Europe a campaign of attack against companies and infrastructures that feed the ecological catastrophe around the world, entitled Switch Off! was launched. Large and small actions have positioned themselves in offensive from the concern and need to confront an evident eco-systemic collapse provoked by the global capitalist machinery that destroys everything in its path.
The intention of the campaign is to “attack the system in a sustainable way”, placing direct action in a common context through anonymous communication with each other, inviting to arm themselves with their own means and go on the offensive against the productive infrastructure and with it the property, without falling into false discursive, institutional and/or technological illusions, “making it clear that there can be no green capitalist alternative, nor peace with the existing conditions”.
In a first statement of presentation we can see more precisely what is the background and objective of why to invite the use of the slogan “Switch Off!”:
Switch off – a call to revolt
(DN Note: We make our own translation into English from the original German text.)
The certainty that the current system will lead to the collapse of the massively damaged ecosystem has already moved countless people and driven them into resistance. Tens of thousands are taking to the streets against the capitalist machinery’s “business as usual”, people are resisting the destructive large-scale projects en masse, the system’s infrastructure is being blocked and courageous fighters are setting fire to the machines that are robbing them of their livelihoods.
What we need in the struggle against the destruction of nature and the resulting social misery is the common striving for the real revolutionary break and the freedom of all. For an initiative that rejects all compromises and cosmetic corrections of the state and brings about a transformation of our social relations.
Because the destruction of the planet by the neoliberal economic system is inextricably linked to patriarchal thought patterns, racism and colonialism. The initiative for this must necessarily come from below. From the struggles of the marginalized. From the struggles of those who oppose the state’s promise of salvation with a self-organized, solidary coexistence. From the struggles of those who see that there can be no compromise in the fight against the systemic destruction of the biosphere.
We should also be aware that we cannot completely prevent the gradual collapse of a massively damaged ecosystem. Not the loss of biodiversity. Not the depletion of resources. We will not be able to prevent the climate catastrophe, as we are already in the midst of it. Admitting this – without any doomsday pathos – does not paralyze us. On the contrary: it should open up the question for us and our contexts of what our lives and our revolutionary struggles could look like in the future.
We can hardly block and sabotage as radically and uncompromisingly as the climate change caused by capitalism requires. But we should not be discouraged by this. Let us question, sabotage and sustainably attack the infrastructure of capitalism in the fight against exploitation. So that another world becomes possible! Let us cooperate with each other in solidarity so that we can live a dignified life. Let us realize our ideas in the here and now and already within our struggles and actions. We will not be lulled into complacency by the attempts at appeasement by those in power.
Against their technological solutions
The solutions offered by those in power for the now noticeable effects of the ecological crisis are primarily technological. This is obviously also driven by lobbying, but above all it is a strategy to legitimize themselves. The development, control and application of the “technologies of the future”, which are supposed to make growth capitalism “sustainable”, are in the hands of the state, industry and science and are inextricably linked to them. If we are being sold the illusion that climate change can be stopped technologically, then this is based on the belief that those in power only need to take the right steps, the right measures, to save this world. For one thing, they have absolutely no interest in ending the expansionist capitalism that secures their position of power. And for another, technological reform, with the new dependencies it produces, is also doomed to failure. Examples of this could be e-mobility or technologies for the production of so-called renewable energies. The required raw materials are often procured in the course of neo-colonial environmental exploitation. The transportation of these raw materials and components is in turn highly dependent on fossil fuels. As a result, a conversion of the current industry to renewable energies before the global oil reserves dry up is unthinkable anyway. Continue reading “About the Switch Off! attack campaign”
$hile: “Words from the confinement, necessary letters” by Marcelo Villarroel
On December 16, 2009 I was expelled from Argentina after 21 months of confinement in different units of the province of Neuquén to be at the disposal of the Chilean state and it has been 14 years since then.
In 2014 I was sentenced to 14 years for two bank robberies. Strictly speaking, I am serving this sentence in its entirety, from beginning to end, without any benefit and it ends today December 16, 2023 and still the state keeps me behind bars.
According to the gendarmes, I must serve 12 more years of imprisonment to be able to apply for some intrapenitentiary benefit only in 2036. According to their retroactive modifications of the illegal Chilean law, in 2056 I will definitively expire my sentences, all of them from events that occurred more than 30 years ago.
A madness of numbers and years typical of Pinochet’s military justice shamefully in force and still today endorsed by recent rulings of the Court of Appeals of Rancagua, of Santiago, of the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court of this amnesiac country governed today by the Communist Party, the Broad Front and all the progressive and social-democratic scum always at the service of the interests of the great god of capital.
In this context, a few days ago, Mónica and Francisco, anarchist comrades of action who received the full revenge of the state, were condemned by the capital’s democratic inquisition, particularly Francisco to whom the domination imposed 86 years, becoming today the revolutionary prisoner in the Chilean prisons with the highest sentence and whom we must know how to accompany from the daily practice without pauses since the road will evidently be longer. Always from the complicit affinity and never from the victimization!
On the other hand, in the occupied wallmapu, in the same week, the racist Chilean justice declares Peñi Luis Tranamil Nahuel, who these days is about to receive a hefty sentence, as well as Peñi Nelson Queupil, who faces an imminent sentence, both walking the path of the weichan, are in Chilean prisons, fists raised, living the onslaught of the state offensive of occupation. Continue reading “$hile: “Words from the confinement, necessary letters” by Marcelo Villarroel”
Italy: Operation Scripta Scelera – immediate trial sought for Gaia, Gino, Luigi and Paolo. The trial will begin on Jan. 9
In recent weeks, the four comrades under restrictive house arrest since Aug. 8 for Operation Scripta Scelera were notified of the decree setting the immediate trial and consequently the start of the trial at the Massa court, before the monocratic judge, next Jan. 9, 2024. A total of ten anarchists are involved in the investigation: in addition to the four under house arrest, there are five comrades under the obligation to stay overnight (one among them currently also under the obligation to sign) and one comrade under investigation at large. For all of them, Federico Manotti, prosecutor of the Genoa Public Prosecutor’s Office, had requested arrest in prison for subversive association for the purpose of terrorism, incitement to commit a crime with the aggravating factor of the purpose of terrorism, clandestine printing, as well as only for some also offending the honor and prestige of the president of the republic — offenses allegedly consumed with the editing and distribution of the internationalist anarchist fortnightly “Bezmotivny.” The request for immediate trial concerns only the charges of aggravated incitement to commit a crime and insulting the honor and prestige of the president of the republic.
Recall that the immediate trial is a special procedure characterized by the absence of the preliminary hearing: in fact, it goes from the preliminary investigation to the trial hearing. This procedure is actionable only in the event that the prosecutor and the investigating judge, who must validate the request, believe they have overwhelming evidence of the suspect’s guilt and that he or she is in a state of detention (in prison or under house arrest).
In the recent past, the Rome prosecutor’s office had the tracotence to proceed with this formula in the context of Operation Bialystok, but this did not bring great luck to the inquisitors. Lately, the trial of comrade Marco Marino, known as Zac, has also been taking place under immediate trial.
However, this is the first time, as far as we can remember, that in the context of an anti-anarchist investigation the immediate trial is being triggered for only part of the suspects, breaking the investigation into several strands. This is an obvious attempt to sap solidarity and, above all, to quickly dismiss a part of the proceedings with a precedent that can be used in the future to plug the anarchist press. Continue reading “Italy: Operation Scripta Scelera – immediate trial sought for Gaia, Gino, Luigi and Paolo. The trial will begin on Jan. 9”
Rome, Italy: Claiming fire barricade and stone pelting against Terna headquarters (November 2, 2023)
Claiming fire barricade and stone pelting Rome – November 2.
On the night of November 2, we placed and set fire to tires blocking both directions of traffic in front of the Terna spa headquarters on Via Egidio Galbani and threw stones to break its glass.
Terna is the main company in Italy for the construction and maintenance of electricity infrastructure, but it also operates abroad in countries such as Chile. Terna is not only responsible for the environmental devastation and pollution that follows the building of power lines and related transformer stations, as a leading actor in the process of electrifying the world as a consequence of the unhealthy idea of progress that this deadly system propagates, but it is also a promoter of the “green revolution” caused by the recent need to restructure capitalism that will only bring further exploitation of ecosystems and people. Unveiling its responsibilities is one of the goals of our action.
This action is to be seen as part of the international campaign to free Marcelo Villarroel. Marcelo is an anarchist prisoner in Chile’s state prisons who was imprisoned after a period of absconding in 2007 for a series of bank expropriations. He was sentenced to more than 40 years in prison without access to prison benefits because he was held responsible for certain actions that took place during the years of the military dictatorship in Chile and therefore condemned by military laws. Despite the rhetoric, Chilean democracy shows perfect continuity with the dictatorial regime when it comes to striking those who act without mediation for the end of all oppression and exploitation caused by the State and Capital. That is why we join the chorus of actions and initiatives for its immediate liberation.
We would like to take this opportunity to send solidarity greetings to anarchist Francisco Solar and anarchist Monica Caballero, who have undergone a lengthy trial in recent months for the collation of explosive devices against institutional targets in the context of the 2019 uprising in Chile, of which they were recently found guilty.
We would also like to express our solidarity with Alfredo Cospito who was recently refused for the umpteenth time the cancellation of his classification under the 41bis prison regime.
Solidarity with the anarchist Stecco recently arrested by police special units after 2 years of absconding.
Source: La Nemesi
Athens, Greece: Direct Action Cells Claim Responsibility for Arson Attack Against the Home of Judge Elias Kanellopoulos
“We are guarded by thousands of fears: The fear of being buried alive in a prison, the fear of dying in action, the fear of being left alone without the cheers of the crowd or the fear of being isolated by our own comrades. Overcoming these fears would make us more lucid. Many struggles are built on these fears, they are products of these fears. Fear poisons us; compromise is its toxic fruit. Then, with eloquent words, comfortable theories, convenient long-term strategies, they make sure to embellish the whole humiliation by recommending wisdom and drawing us into political realism. Unfortunately, however, shit, no matter how pink you paint it, is still shit.” – Alfredo Cospito
The Direct Action Cells claim full responsibility for the arson attack on the home of judge Elias Kanellopoulos in the Cholargos area (a suburb in Athens). Our attack is an action of solidarity with the mobilizations of the prisoners in the prisons of the territory. It is also a continuation of the strategy of the personal targeting of those involved in the constant tightening of criminal repression and the repressive management applied in the field of prisons. From the architect of the new penal code, Lambros Margaritis, to the head of the Inspection and Control Body of the Prisons, Spyridoula Presvia, and now to Ilias Kanellopoulos, an appellant seconded to the Ministry of Justice, who was one of the close associates of the former Minister of Justice, Kostas Tsiaras, during whose days the new penal and penitentiary code was created and passed.
Our message is clear. The Direct Action Cells do not forget the people behind bars, the families who are suffering and tormented by the methods of the judges, the police and those prison officers who have the impression that they are untouchable. We do not forget the political prisoners who are paying the price for their choice of joining the revolutionary struggle. The explosions outside the homes of those who, in one way or another, choose to make the lives of prisoners a nightmarish reality, brings home, even if only on a symbolic level, the combative reality of the permanent anarchist threat.
As we previously stated, following the attack on the home of Lambros Margaritis:
“We are not finished with this particular issue. For us, any attack on the rights of prisoners that were won through painful struggles is taken very seriously, and in this regard we will try as hard as we can to keep it high on the priorities of the militant formations acting within the combative movement. We call on them to become a shield of protection for the rights of political prisoners in the prisons and to target those directly responsible for this anachronistic penal code that takes us back many decades.” Continue reading “Athens, Greece: Direct Action Cells Claim Responsibility for Arson Attack Against the Home of Judge Elias Kanellopoulos”
Italy: Juan Sorroche and Marco Marino – Words of solidarity of anarchist prisoners in AS2 in Terni prison in response to the words of anarchist prisoners, subversives, fighting from Chilean prisons (August 21, 2023)
“Your struggle is ours, every gesture against this world has your imprint… because we are one pack that never forgets its own and its own, regardless, of where we are” – Public letter by Marcelo Villarroel, September 14, 2019
– Internationalist solidarity for the end of the sentence and freedom of comrade Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda, arrested in Argentina in 2008 after nearly 16 years in prison. Coinciding with the 50th anniversary of Pinochet’s military “coup” in Chile, wanted and created by North American imperialism as in Ukraine today, the comrade is sentenced by Pinochet’s legacy military justice. Today this legal aberration is applied, which coexists comfortably with the consensus democracy of the Chilean state, now ruled by the Boric left. Democracy and reactionary fascism are two sides of the same coin, tools of the Imperialist-State.
– Solidarity in the face of the beginning of the trial against comrades Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar [the judicial hearing, the main trial phase, began on July 18], the vengeance of state rule does not stop against those who go on the offensive by attacking its untouchability and impunity.
– Solidarity with Comrade Juan Aliste Vega, also convicted by Pinochet’s military justice, and Comrade Joaquin Garcia Chancks.
– Solidarity for the downgrading of anarchist Alfredo Cospito from 41 bis. Against 41 bis, out everyone, and for the abolition of life imprisonment.
– Solidarity with comrade Anna Beniamino and Alfredo Cospito convicted in a political trial on the abnormal charge of Article 285 c. p. p., massacre against the security of the state, or commonly called political massacre, this is the first time a massacre without massacre against the internal enemy has been used in this way in Italy. Article 285 c. p. c., massacre against the security of the state, has not been applied to the massacres that have been perpetrated in this country, Piazza Fontana, the Bologna station, Piazza della Loggia, since the 1970s of the so-called strategy of tension, massacres carried out by the Italian state, but, like Pinochet’s “coup”, wanted and created by North American imperialism in its struggle to keep the world under its control. Continue reading “Italy: Juan Sorroche and Marco Marino – Words of solidarity of anarchist prisoners in AS2 in Terni prison in response to the words of anarchist prisoners, subversives, fighting from Chilean prisons (August 21, 2023)”
Italy: Operation ”Scripta Scelera” against the fortnightly “Bezmotivny”: first initiatives in solidarity, a brief update, some observations
Soidarity is our weapon! Actforfree receive and translated and spread :
Operation ”Scripta Scelera” against the fortnightly “Bezmotivny”: first initiatives in solidarity, a brief update, some observations
In the early morning of Tuesday, August 8th, a repressive operation – ridiculously named Scripta Scelera (these fine people always come up with some “ambitious” or suggestive name for their operations) [Latin: “written crimes”] – was unleashed by the State’s repressive apparatus in various cities. It was aimed at shutting down the anarchist internationalist fortnightly magazine “Bezmotivny”, thereby striking the action of publication of analysis and reflection as well as, and in particular, texts claiming actions, sabotage and initiatives of attack undertaken by anarchists and revolutionaries throughout the world against the State and capital.
Let’s take a brief look at the facts. Mainly involving anarchist comrades in Carrara and the “Gogliardo Fiaschi” Anarchist Cultural Circle, the operation consisted of notification of an investigation against 10 comrades, all of whom were subjected to house searches (as well as that against the above-mentioned anarchist circle), and significant seizures of newspapers and various publications. Concerning the 10 under investigation (for whom Genovese public prosecutor Manotti twice requested their arrest in prison), the judge for the preliminary investigations ordered house arrest with all restrictions (including electronic ankle bracelets, which were not applied due to lack of the necessary equipment) for four of the comrades, a night curfew from 19.00 to 7am for another five, while one comrade has no restrictions (at the police station they notified him of a two years’ compulsory expulsion order from the province of La Spezia). One of the comrades under house arrest was initially taken to prison on order of the same prosecutor, due to the fact that he did not have a certificate of residence. In the context of the operation, a printing press in Avenza, where the paper had recently been printed, was also shut down (and later re-opened).