We have always prioritized not having intermediaries when it comes to communicating, that no one speaks for us and in these days that we will be two years since those who support the hegemony of power and force locked us in these concrete pits called prisons, will be no exception.
This second year of imprisonment will bring with it the end of the investigative period of our legal process, that is to say that the period in which the prosecution and the ten prosecutors could gather information against us, will end. The closing of the investigation opens an intermediate process prior to the trial.
The judicial investigation against us has spared no resources; the police have made great efforts not to leave any loose end. The aim with us is to give an exemplary sentence that will frighten anyone who makes the practice of political violence their own, especially with regard to the placing and sending of explosive devices. Furthermore, we are not unknown to the powerful; on more than one occasion we have been seated in the dock, and in all of them we have made clear our anarchic position. Our current legal situation is closely linked to our previous judicial processes.
We are self-critical with respect to our mistakes at the time of our actions, each one of them are part of our experience and learning, which we hope will also serve for others. We feel part of a long road of struggles against domination, a historical road that changes according to the different conflict scenarios. Continue reading “Chile: Two years after our imprisonment. Monica and Francisco’s words from prison”