Source: Inferno Urbano
Via & translated by Act for freedom now!
Foligno: You bet we’ll remember, and how! About the 41 bis for Alfredo Cospito: Those who are responsible
In recent days, a media campaign of mystification and lies has been going on around the hunger strike that Alfredo Cospito is carrying on to the last breath against life imprisonment without appeal and 41 bis. We’ve heard it all. The prime minister Giorgia Meloni, with her usual victimhood, went so far as to suspect conspiracies about the coincidence of the start of the hunger strike with the launching of her government.
Another lie circulating is the one about a phantom alliance between anarchists and the mafia, deduced from wiretaps between Alfredo and the only three people he is allowed to see in the prison yard. The State, which decided to lock an anarchist up in 41 bis for the first time, is now instrumentalising the fact that that anarchist speaks to the only human beings he can meet. Sociability groupings which, by the way, are decided centrally by the ministry in Rome! In truth, it was with the creation of the DNAA (Direzione Nazionale Antimafia e Antiterrorismo) that the State wanted to set up a war machine against revolutionary insurgency, a machine that had as its weapons the exceptional tools that hitherto only applied to the anti-mafia. We are witnessing a complete reversal of the facts: those who merged completely different realities into the bureaucracies of the judicial and penitentiary administration are now crying ‘bonding’.
Similarly, we are aghast when we hear again the president of the council Giorgia Meloni assert that she will not negotiate with anarchists. And not just because everyone in Italy knows that the State only negotiates with the mafia. Statements like these denote that those in government have completely lost touch with reality. It is the anarchists who, since time immemorial, have never wanted to deal with institutions.
Anarchists who, as is well known, have no leaders, no ambassadors, no recognised interlocutors. So they have nothing at all to negotiate about. Anarchist conflictuality does not arise from the instigation of a jailed ‘leader’ and is not moderated in exchange for the survival of a comrade held hostage by the executioners of repression. Our conflict arises from visceral class hatred fuelled every day, not by political sophistry, but by exploitation, blackmail, misery, and the injustices of this society. The 41 bis was intended to be a warning to anarchists, it was not! Continue reading “Foligno, Italy: You bet we’ll remember, and how! About the 41 bis for Alfredo Cospito: Those who are responsible”
FIRE TO 41-bis
Alfredo stai ai nostri cuori!
Always with the anarchy!
We call for a solidarity meeting with comrade Alfredo Cospito, at the Italian Embassy, Athens, Greece, on Thursday 16 February, at 18.30
Open Assembly of Ⓐnarchists
Source: Act for freedom now!
Demonstration alongside Alfredo Cospito on 115th day of hunger strike against 41 bis and hostile life imprisonment (Milan, Feb. 11, 2023)
Last night [Saturday, Feb. 11] demonstration in Milan alongside Alfredo Cospito against 41 bis and hostile life imprisonment.
The demonstration started from Piazza XXIV Maggio attempting to reach Porta Romana, just before the end of the demonstration the rapid response units at the head of the procession deployed preventing them from continuing. The participants managed not to get blocked in the street and, defending themselves with what the street furniture offered, managed several times not to get closed by the increasingly agitated and fierce cops.
By the end of the day there were about ten detentions, now all released, a few dented cops, some Eni-Enjoy cars [vehicles of Eni’s car sharing service] damaged and shattered windows of real estate agencies, supermarkets and banks.
During the demonstration Alfredo Cospito was being transferred to San Paolo Hospital in Milan.
This morning, however, news broke that the Cassation Prosecutor’s Office in its indictment filed ahead of the hearing set for next February 24 asked to annul the decision of the Supervisory Court that had confirmed 41 bis for Alfredo.
Stay tuned for upcoming events!
[Taken from some facebook pages & republished at https://lanemesi.noblogs.org/post/2023/02/14/corteo-al-fianco-di-alfredo-cospito-al-115esimo-giorno-di-sciopero-della-fame-contro-il-41-bis-e-lergastolo-ostativo-milano-11-febbraio-2023/ | Photographs taken from mass-media]
Source: informativoanarquista
Via & translated by Act for freedom now!
For Alfredo Cospito:
A loud war cry!!!
A call for internationalist solidarity!
A clear call to action!!!
In the course of the mobilizations in solidarity with the hunger strike of Italian anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito, which has been going on for 104 days, today, January 31, anarchist and subversive prisoners held in the La Gonzalina-Rancagua Prison are beginning a solidarity fast. This is a minimal gesture of complicity in the face of such a transcendental and decisive struggle that the comrade is carrying out to end the isolation the Italian State has subjected him to and against his recent life sentence.
The situation is extremely urgent and there is no room for moments of waiting and reflection that only strengthen apathy and inaction.
Nor is it the time to be passive spectators while the Italian State lets Alfredo die, in one of the clearest demonstrations of authoritarian brutality.
Are we going to wait for our comrade to die before deciding to act?
Received by email from ‘Some Unknown’
Solidarity Poster from Indonesia for Alfredo Cospito who is on hunger strike. Long live the subversive and anarchist prisoners who are on a hunger strike! Indifference and passivity will never be our allies; solidarity will be. As well was expressed in a letter with a bullet inside to the Italian newspaper “Il Tirreno”: “If Alfredo Cospito dies, all the judges are a target”. Let’s let the Italian state know that if Alfredo dies, we will be his worst enemy. freedom for Alfredo Cospito end the 41bis isolation regime!
Dan untuk ini juga kami memberi anda senyuman, pelukan, ciuman, kedipan mata, dan solidaritas abadi kami!
Death to all the state!
Long live Anarchy!
Long Live CCF/FAI-IRF!
Long Live Black International!
Let’s attack the state!
Source: Abolition Media
Updates about the transfer of Alfredo Cospito to the San Paolo hospital and on the prosecutor general’s request to overturn the 41 bis measure in view of the cassation hearing of February 24 (Italy)
We publish two important updates concerning the transfer, which took place on February 11th, of anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito to the San Paolo hospital and the request for annulment of the 41 bis measure by the prosecutor general at the Court of Cassation in view of the hearing to be held on February 24th at the Cassation itself following the appeal against the order of the Surveillance Court of Rome which, with the hearing of December 1st, confirmed detention under 41 bis.
We recall that on February 9th the minister of justice Carlo Nordio announced the rejection of the formal request for revocation of the 41 bis that had been made by the comrade’s lawyer. This was despite the opinion of the Direzione Nazionale Antimafia e Antiterrorismo (DNAA, ‘National Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism Directorate’), which, responding to the minister who was gathering the opinions of various repressive bodies, had said it was in favour of maintaining the 41 bis or alternatively of transferring him to Alta Sicurezza 2 (AS2, ‘High Security 2’, high security sections intended mainly for anarchists and communists). Therefore, currently, as far as the revocation of the 41 bis is concerned, the only pronouncement expected is that of the Court of Cassation (which is only in Rome) with the hearing on February 24th.
Revolutionary solidarity with Alfredo Cospito and all imprisoned anarchists and revolutionaries! Alfredo out from 41 bis!
Alfredo Cospito transferred from Opera prison to San Paolo hospital (Milan, February 11, 2023)
On February 11th, the 115th day of hunger strike against 41 bis prison regime and life imprisonment without possibility of parole, anarchist Alfredo Cospito was transferred from Opera prison (where he had been an imprisoned since January 30th in the Servizio di Assistenza Intensificata, SAI, Intensified Assistance Service) to the San Paolo hospital (also located in Milan), in one of the rooms reserved for prisoners on 41 bis in the prison medicine ward. The transfer was ordered by the Department of Penitentiary Administration following the indications of the doctors. The comrade, according to February 11th, weighs 71 kg (the starting weight at the beginning of the hunger strike was 115 kg) and is in extremely critical health condition. As reported by the doctor who examined the comrade in the morning: ‘he is at risk of cerebral oedema and potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmias’.
Regarding the prosecutor general’s request to overturn the 41 bis measure against Alfredo Cospito in view of the cassation hearing of February 24
The Agnelli family’s [multi-industry business dynasty founded by Giovanni Agnelli, one of the original founders of the FIAT motor company which became Italy’s largest automobile manufacturer] newspapers (‘La Repubblica’ and ‘La Stampa’) revealed in this morning’s (February 12th) edition that the prosecutor general at the Court of Cassation had filed a request for the overturn of the 41 bis measure against Alfredo Cospito in view of the hearing on February 24th in Rome. This is undoubtedly good news, but it should not be overestimated. Naturally because as anarchists we have no faith in bourgeois justice, specifically because it is not uncommon for the cassation to take more radical decisions than those requested by the prosecution itself.
Finally, we cannot forget that Alfredo’s health situation is very serious and that February 24th may be too far away, which could turn out to be a terrible hoax.
We persevere in our claim for an immediate declassification of our comrade, convinced that any outcome will depend solely on the struggle to the last breath that Alfredo has put up and on the international solidarity movement that has been expressed.
* * *
(IT) Aggiornamenti sul trasferimento di Alfredo Cospito all’ospedale San Paolo e a proposito della richiesta di annullamento del provvedimento di 41 bis da parte del procuratore generale in vista dell’udienza in cassazione del 24 febbraio
(EN) Updates about the transfer of Alfredo Cospito to the San Paolo hospital and on the prosecutor general’s request to overturn the 41 bis measure in view of the cassation hearing of February 24 (Italy)
Initially the hearing for the review of the 41 bis against Alfredo was scheduled for April 20, 2023, but after pressure from the hunger strike it was moved forward to March 7, 2023.
Given the growing political crisis in Italy as a result of the hunger strike of the comrade and the multiplication of solidarity actions at the international level, the date has been rescheduled for February 24, 2023.
At this hearing, the appropriateness of maintaining Alfredo Cospito in this regime of extreme isolation will be discussed once again. The comrade from prison has assured that he will not stop the hunger strike until he gets out of that concrete cemetery.
Solidarity with the hunger strike against 41 bis!
To prevent the assassination of Alfredo!
After more than 100 days of hunger strike of comrade Alfredo Cospito against the brutal isolation regime of 41 bis in Italian prisons, on February 3, 2023 about fifty people gathered in a rally outside the Italian embassy to make palpable the internationalist solidarity.
From Chilean prisons anarchist and subversive prisoners began on January 31 a hunger strike in solidarity with Alfredo’s strike. In this context, despite the heavy police presence, which included water cannons and gas, they managed to break through the walls guarding the representatives of the Italian government, the same government that is currently plotting Alfredo’s assassination behind bars.
Banners, pamphlets, stickers, scratches and shouts flooded the streets around the Italian embassy, and then headed towards the Chilean-Italian cultural institute a few blocks away.
Alfredo out of 41 bis!
Stop the murder of Alfredo by the Italian State!
Subversive prisoners and anarchists to the streets!
Continue reading “Santiago, Chile: Gathering outside the Embassy of Italy”