Banner dropped at Queen’s Park in Glasgow and poster for solidarity event, 30/10, 18:00 at Glasgow Autonomous Space.
Tag: 41 bis
Italy: Anarchist Alfredo Cospito started a hunger strike (October 20, 2022) IT/EN/ES/FR/DE/EL
L’anarchico Alfredo Cospito ha iniziato uno sciopero della fame (20 ottobre 2022)
Oggi, 20 ottobre 2022, presso il tribunale di sorveglianza di Sassari, nel corso di una udienza riguardante il sequestro della corrispondenza, il compagno anarchico Alfredo Cospito ha dichiarato l’inizio di uno sciopero della fame contro il regime detentivo di 41 bis in cui è stato trasferito il 5 maggio. Il compagno, che ha fatto una dichiarazione, non era presente in aula ma collegato in videoconferenza dal carcere di Bancali. Seguiranno aggiornamenti.
Morte allo Stato, viva l’anarchia.
Anarchist Alfredo Cospito started a hunger strike (Italy, October 20, 2022)
Today, October 20, 2022, at the Sassari surveillance court, during a hearing concerning the seizure of correspondence, anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito declared the start of a hunger strike against the 41 bis prison regime to which he was transferred on May 5. The comrade, who made a statement, was not present in the courtroom but connected by video conference from Bancali prison. Updates will follow.
Death to the State, long live anarchy.
El anarquista Alfredo Cospito ha empezado una huelga de hambre (Italia, 20 octubre 2022)
Hoy, 20 de octubre 2022, delante del Tribunal de Vigilancia de Sassari, a lo largo de una audiencia en relación a la retención de correo, el compañero anarquista Alfredo Cospito ha declarado el comienzo de una huelga de hambre en contra del régimen penitenciario 41 bis en el que ha sido transferido el día 5 de mayo. El compañero, que ha formulado una declaración, no era presente en el aula sino que estaba conectado en videoconferencia desde la cárcel de Bancali. Seguirán actualizaciones.
Muerte al Estado, que viva la anarquía.
L’anarchiste Alfredo Cospito a entrepris une grève de la faim (Italie, 20 octobre 2022)
Aujourd’hui, 20 octobre 2022, au tribunal de surveillance de Sassari, lors d’une audience concernant la confiscation de la correspondance, le camarade anarchiste Alfredo Cospito a déclaré le début d’une grève de la faim contre le régime carcéral 41 bis auquel il a été transféré le 5 mai. Le camarade, qui a fait une déclaration, n’était pas présent dans la salle d’audience mais connecté par vidéoconférence depuis la prison de Bancali. Des mises à jour suivront.
Mort à l’État, vive l’anarchie.
Der Anarchist Alfredo Cospito beginnt einen Hungerstreik (Italien, 20. Oktober 2022)
Heute, am 20. Oktober 2022, erklärte der Anarchist Alfredo Cospito vor dem Überwachungsgericht von Sassari, während der Anhörung wegen der Beschlagnahmung seiner Briefkorrespondenz, den Beginn eines Hungerstreiks gegen das 41-Bis-Gefängnisregime. Am 5. Mai 2022 wurde er dorthin verlegt. Der Gefährte, der eine Gerichtserklärung verlas, durfte nicht im Gerichtssaal anwesend sein, sondern wurde per Videokonferenz aus dem Gefängnis Bancali zugeschaltet. Weitere Updates folgen.
Tod dem Staat, lang lebe die Anarchie.
Ο αναρχικός Alfredo Cospito ξεκίνησε απεργία πείνας (Ιταλία, 20 Οκτωβρίου 2022)
Σήμερα, 20 Οκτωβρίου 2022, στο Εποπτικό Δικαστήριο Sassari (Ιταλία), κατά τη διάρκεια ακρόασης σχετικά με την κατάσχεση αλληλογραφίας, ο αναρχικός σύντροφος Alfredo Cospito κήρυξε την έναρξη απεργίας πείνας κατά του καθεστώτος των φυλακών 41 bis, στο οποίο μεταφέρθηκε στις 5 Μαΐου. Ο σύντροφος, ο οποίος έκανε δήλωση, δεν ήταν παρών στην αίθουσα του δικαστηρίου αλλά συνδέθηκε με τηλεδιάσκεψη από τη φυλακή Μπανκάλι, Σαρδηνία/Ιταλία. Θα ακολουθήσουν ενημερώσεις.
Θάνατος στο κράτος, Ζήτω η αναρχία.
Italy: Demonstration against prison and the society that makes it necessary: Get Alfredo out of 41 bis! Close the 41 bis! Free all, free all! (Sassari, October 29, 2022)
Since May 5, Alfredo Cospito has been held in 41 bis in Bancali prison. Once again Sardinia, which has always been a state colony, becomes the place of detention and torture for undesirables.
On our anarchist comrades Alfredo, Anna, Juan weighs demands for more than 20 years in prison. A warning to all and everyone who have never stopped believing in the practice of direct action and revolutionary solidarity.
The attack on them is an attack on all those who will not and cannot surrender to a system based on the exploitation of humans over humans, on the enrichment of the few at the expense of the many, on the destruction of the individual, community ties and the planet.
This is the prison society, the legal torture of 41 bis and hostile life imprisonment would like to preserve at all costs. This is the system to fight against.
Source: La Nemesi
France: Alfredo Cospito fuori dal 41-bis : Solidarity from Bure EN/FR/IT
Alfredo Cospito fuori dal 41-bis : Solidarity from Bure
Revolutionary solidarity is a sailboat without borders that rides the waves of the storm!
From Bure, we wish to send all our solidarity to our comrade Alfredo Cospito, who is currently in solitary confinement (called “41-bis”) in the prison of Sassari in Sardinia (Italy) for having shot the CEO of Ansaldo Nucleare, designer and builder of nuclear power plants, for having claimed his action and for having greatly contributed, from prison, to the debate on our modes of action, the diversity of tactics, internationalism and the revolutionary perspective of the anti-nuclear movement.
Any attempt to isolate one of our comrades will fuel our anger and revive the sparks that drive us to act. Alfredo Cospito’s struggle is also our struggle: against nuclear power and the technocrats who rule the world.
While the extraction of uranium and other rare-earth elements continues to ravage territories and destroy bodies, while nuclear “tests” or bomb trainings have contaminated the regions and inhabitants of Quirra in Sardinia, the Hoggar mountains in Algeria, Moruroa and Fangataufa in Polynesia, and other territories taken over by the imperialist powers, while in its war against Ukraine, Russia is using nuclear power plants as a sword of Damocles, Europe agrees that nuclear power is a “green” energy, France is rushing head first to build new reactors and Italy is questioning the shutdown of its production (after all, it didn’t mind continuing to build power plants in other countries, so why continue to pretend to have stopped, right?). The projects of burying radioactive waste, in Bure (France) and now also in Italy, are not a search for solutions to the contaminations that nuclear power has produced, but tools to allow nuclear power to develop, more and more.
The Italian state, in the vanguard of the repression of our struggles, adopts, not too surprisingly, the strategy of isolation. Isolate more and more: on an island far from loved ones, alone in a prison, in a cell in the basement. Sardinia, a militarized island, a training ground for special forces, with its NATO bases, is a node of the war. For a long time, it has been used as a location for isolating the most problematic political prisoners, such as the Red Brigades and the Nuclei Armati Proletari locked up in the Fornelli prison in Asinara, whose revolt of October 2, 1979 should be recounted. The Fornelli prison has now become a museum, but it has not made history of all the other prisons, it has not put an end to the confinements in the 41-bis special regime, and therefore it will not archive our struggles. Even today, Sardinia is used as a land of deportation for the enemies of the state order.
Continue reading “France: Alfredo Cospito fuori dal 41-bis : Solidarity from Bure EN/FR/IT”
Germany: The Italian state sentenced Juan to 28 years in prison DE/EN
Am 9. Juli wurde unser Gefährte Juan wegen eines Sprengstoffanschlags auf ein „Nord Liga“-Hauptquartier in Treviso (Italien) mit einer „terroristischen Absicht“ zu 28 Jahren Gefängnis und einer anschließenden dreijährigen Bewährung, verurteilt.
Wenige Tage zuvor hatte das Kassationsgericht den Angriff auf eine Carabinieri-Kaserne in Fossano (Italien), für den die anarchistischen Gefährten Anna und Alfredo in der Berufung verurteilt worden waren, erneut als „politischer Massenmord“ (ein Verbrechen, das mit lebenslanger Haft bestraft wird) eingestuft. In der Zwischenzeit wurde Alfredo in das 41bis-Gefängnisregime verlegt, ein Regime der totalen Isolation, eine Form der Folter, das darauf abzielt, den Gefangenen zur Abschwörung, Reue, Distanzierung und zum Verzicht auf seine eigene Identität und seinen revolutionären Weg zu zwingen.
Die unverhältnismäßig hohen Haftstrafen (im wesentlichen lebenslänglich) und die Anwendung vom 41bis stellen einen beispiellosen Angriff auf die anarchistische Bewegung dar.
Sie stellen den Versuch des Staates dar, das Spiel mit einem Milieu zu beenden, das subversiv und revolutionär geblieben ist und das jahrzehntelange Ermittlungen und Verhaftungen nicht zu brechen vermochten.
Der Schmerz und die Wut, die durch die Kenntnis um unsere von den Haftstrafen betroffenen Gefährten verursacht werden, deren Haftende wir nicht erahnen können, stärken nur unsere Überzeugungen:
Wir werden weiterhin den Weg des Kampfes beschreiten, den des ständigen Konflikts, der direkten Aktion. Wie immer, aber ab heute mit einem Grund mehr.
Anarchistinnen und Anarchisten Continue reading “Germany: The Italian state sentenced Juan to 28 years in prison DE/EN”
Greece: 41 BIS is torture – Strength and solidarity with the unrepentant anarchist of praxis Alfredo Cospito EN/GR
41 BIS is torture – Strength and solidarity with the unrepentant anarchist of praxis Alfredo Cospito
Anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito has been in Italian prisons since September 2012. He has claimed responsibility for the shooting in the legs of Ansaldo Nucleare CEO Roberto Adinolfi by the Olga Cell of the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI-IRF).
From the very first moment of his detention, the Italian state has exercised all kinds of repressive experiments against the comrade. New prosecutions, new exhausting sentences, disciplinary sanctions, repressive operations against his political comrades. The comrade was sentenced to 9 years of imprisonment for the action against Adinolfi, while in prison he was sentenced to an additional 20 years of imprisonment (which is appreciable in total, an equivalent sentence in Greece would be 2 times life) after the prosecutions brought against him within the framework of the repressive operation Scripta Manet. In essence, the comrade was convicted as an instigator for all the actions of the FAI, since he was accused as its founder and leader, in a case that deserves special mention as it is a monument to arbitrary interpretations and vindictiveness.
The Italian state is a hybrid state when it comes to issues of anti-terrorist policy. It is a model state for its brutality and rigour in these matters, having been called upon to manage low-intensity civil war conditions during the period when armed revolutionary movements flourished in the 1960s and 1980s. The Greek state has followed the Italian example on many occasions, one need only recall the similarities between the ‘Marini case’ in Italy and the ‘Conspiracy of Cells of Fire case’ in Greece. Continue reading “Greece: 41 BIS is torture – Strength and solidarity with the unrepentant anarchist of praxis Alfredo Cospito EN/GR”
Italy: The only viable path. Manifesto in solidarity with the anarchist Alfredo Cospito EN/IT
Since May 5, our comrade Alfredo Cospito has been imprisoned under the 41 bis regime. This measure was ordered after months of censorship on correspondence and after the repressive operation Sibilla in November 2021, for which he received a warrant for his arrest in prison. Behind this repressive tightening of Alfredo’s prison condition is the state’s blatant desire to shut the mouth of a comrade who, during these years of imprisonment, has contributed much, through articles and interventions, to the anarchist debate.
The 41 bis is a hard prison regime, created to isolate, silence and annihilate the prisoner, trying to bring him to cooperation with Justice. Established in the late 1980s, it was initially applied in exceptional cases of riots or serious emergencies within prison institutions. In 1992, after the Capaci massacre, it was extended to Mafia convicts. Since 2002 it has also been applied to those convicted of terrorism and subversion, thus as an instrument of political repression. Also currently in this regime are some prisoners belonging to the communist BR-PCC organization. Originally established as a detention regime of a temporary nature, from emergency to emergency, this exceptionality has become the norm. This mechanism is now bread and butter for the majority of the population since the proclamation of the so-called pandemic. It is now evident: established an emergency measure, there is never a return.
Alfredo’s transfer to 41 bis, like the recent convictions of Juan, sentenced to 28 years for an explosive attack on a Lega headquarters, and Anna, convicted along with Alfredo for political massacre, are a real warning from the state: those who spread anarchist and revolutionary practices and ideas are buried alive. The anti-anarchist operations of recent years are also an example of the repressive tightening we are experiencing. In the face of this, we cannot be reduced to cashing in as best we can on the blows the state gives us, waiting for better times.
It is urgent that we lay the groundwork for a revolutionary, international solidarity that is concrete.
The only antibodies to confront the catastrophe to which the state and bosses are leading us day by day are propaganda and action that know how to go to the root, expressing the innermost meaning of our struggle: the destruction of the existent without any mediation.
[Received by e-mail]
Rome, Italy: Report of the initiative at the DNAA, ‘National Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism Directorate’ (September 30, 2022)
In particular, the DNAA is directly responsible for the transfer of the anarchist Alfredo Cospito to 41 bis prison regime. An almost total isolation regime, designed with the declared aim of annihilating the prisoner in order to induce him to cooperate. An unprecedented decision as far as imprisoned anarchists are concerned, marking a turning point in the war between the State and anarchism, but one that has already been used for years against some prisoners of the organization Brigate Rosse per la costruzione del Partito Comunista Combattente (BR-PCC). The DNAA, more generally, plays a coordinating and strategic role for the counterrevolution in Italy.
Numerous speeches concentrated on denouncing the maximally oppressive nature of 41 bis, on showing the true face of the anti-mafia, revealing how behind the facade of a popular institution dedicated to fighting organised crime is in reality hidden an emergency institution with exceptional powers aimed at repressing the internal enemy, linking Alfredo’s particular condition and the attack against revolutionary anarchism within a broader repressive climate. Some speeches emphasised how this authoritarian turn comes at a time of profound crisis in international and national capitalism, after two years of pandemic and within the war policies that dominate the governments’ agenda. Faced with the difficulties of capital, the state responds with a pre-emptive social war against its historical enemies. The climate of military mobilization, on the other hand, constitutes the best context for the liquidation of those subjectivities that are unwilling to mediate with power.
After about two hours near the DNAA headquarters, we marched through the streets of the city centre chanting chants, and after a brief moment of tension with the police the demonstration continued towards Campo de’ Fiori square. Crossing the market with slogans and leaflets, another short round of speeches communicated the reasons for our anger to those in the square. The demonstration then came to an end.
Instead, our mobilization is only just beginning. Continue reading “Rome, Italy: Report of the initiative at the DNAA, ‘National Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism Directorate’ (September 30, 2022)”
Italy: ‘The winter of capital’
The winter of capital
This weekend’s elections were very important for the fate of Europe. No, we are not talking about the miserable staging of the Italian round of elections, but about the referendums held in some occupied territories of Ukraine for annexation to the Russian Federation.
With them, the proxy and regionalized “world war” being fought between Russia and NATO takes a formal turn with important practical consequences. From the moment the Donbass, Kherson and Zaporozhye officially become part of Russia, Putin’s regime can claim that any Ukrainian attack in these territories will be read as an attack on Russia itself. The result is the order for general mobilization, the proclamation of martial law, and the transformation of its industry into a war economy to defend the homeland.
With this strategic shift, the Russian government moves away from the rhetoric of Special Military Operation – a neologism taken in inspiration from “international police missions,” “peacekeeping missions,” “humanitarian wars,” and other fanciful Doctor Strangelove sorties of the much-hated West – to the declaration of outright war. Demonstrating the farcical nature of any electoral mechanism, which always photographs the power relations between dominants and never an abstruse as non-existent “popular will,” Putin ordered partial mobilization even before knowing the referendum outcome, recalling the first three hundred thousand reservists.
From now on, all those states that have been arming the Kiev regime for months and that have enabled it to resist so effectively and to counterattack with unexpected successes become cobelligerent. Those who arm a state to which war is formally declared are also (almost) at war. Europe and the United States will now have to take responsibility for a conflict that they have fueled by all means, with the aim of bleeding the Russian enemy dry, hoping to achieve maximum results with minimum effort, i.e., by sending Ukrainian ascari1 to their deaths.
Rather than expire in the partisan readings of the court pen-pushers and opposing supporters, which as internationalists and enemies of every state we cannot but reject, reiterating our hostility against all sides in the war, it is worth dwelling on a couple of thoughts. Continue reading “Italy: ‘The winter of capital’”
Rome, Italy: Presidium at National Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism Directorate (DNAA) on September 30
Presidium at DNAA on September 30 in Rome
Against 41 bis
Against anti-anarchist repression
For revolutionary solidarity with Alfredo Cospito and all comrades affected by the state
Fire to all jails
Free all
Presidium at the National Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism Directorate, responsible for the application of 41 bis.
Friday, September 30, 10 a.m., Vicolo della Moretta, Rome.