We present here for the first time 325 magazine in Indonesian, translated by our Indonesian comrades & Semerdekazine.
For the Black International & conflict with the Techno Prison World.
PDF: Jurnal-325-x-Semerdekazine
We present here for the first time 325 magazine in Indonesian, translated by our Indonesian comrades & Semerdekazine.
For the Black International & conflict with the Techno Prison World.
PDF: Jurnal-325-x-Semerdekazine
Hi everyone!
Three years ago, when Resistenze al nanomondo took on the initiative to organize this annual and international meeting for the first time, I couldn’t have imagined what would follow in the years to come. In that very first meeting I tried to describe my thoughts and concerns on the ongoing fourth industrial revolution by focusing on the futuristic and technomaniac (gentrified) neo-theory of Singularity and what follows on from the transhumanist ideology and the practices of its priests.
Today, after more than two years of continuous health terror full of scaremongering propaganda, informational carpet bombing and psychological manipulation via humongous and humdrum lies, nefarious threats, blackmailing, curfews, lockdowns, punishment, hypocritical calls for “solidarity”, promises and “rewards”, we can clearly see what for many comrades – although they always seem to be just a few – was evident and foreseeable since decades or centuries: how the ruling class creates and/or exploits various successive “crises” under the guise of “states of emergency” to apply, impose or make desirable (by the populace) “new” technologies and techniques, but also to extend old and identical-to-the-core forms of psycho-social control and capitalist accumulation, lately going even up to the cellular and molecular levels of the human species by making our bodies living foundries and factories of protein production owned by the biotech pharmaceutical industry.
One thing is sure, two things are certain: a “new”, “green” and, of course, “safe and effective” nuclear power will be suggested to address the “energy crisis” as well as the “climate crisis”, while a huge push for the approval of “gene-edited” food passed off as non-GMO is underway supposedly to become the solution to a “food crisis” of some vague, obscure and undefined cause, or even the treatment of modern civilization diseases such as obesity, in the same way that “new” and – let’s repeat it with one voice – “safe and effective” gene therapies, in the form of injections that were deceitfully labeled and falsely accepted as vaccines, were introduced to deal with an alleged “health crisis”.
It should come as no surprise if the proposed solution to a possible surge of auto-immune or genetically inherited diseases, resulted from these incapacitating or deadly injections of genetic engineering and the generalized biotechnological omniviolence (spanning from genome editing of various species to bioweapons), would come from her majesty the “queen of all (pseudo-)sciences” Eugenics and the “safe and effective” way to come into the world would be growing GM embryos of medically assisted “procreation” and surrogate “gestation” in artificial wombs, i.e ex-vivo plastic bagssimulating the living functions of the maternal body. Let alone the scenario of artificial reproduction mandates, such like the “vaccine” mandates, becoming the “socially responsible” choice to have a child passed off as a “free and conscious” choice for the health of the social body, which eventually is about the health of the Machine. Continue reading “A Contribution to the Fourth International Meeting Against Techno-Sciences – Dino Giagtzoglou”
The Direct Action Cells take responsibility for the attack with an incendiary device at the house of the MP of the New Democracy and journalist of SKAI, Babis Papadimitriou, in Metz in the morning of 6/7. Wanting to honour the real freedom of speech that is persecuted and silenced in the Western countries, we gave the name of Julian Assange to the cell that carried out the action. So that we can recall what it really means to silence freedom of speech with persecution, prisons, courts, when a journalist exposes the war crimes and massacres committed by capitalism.
Babis Papadimitriou belongs to this category of SKAI journalists who redeemed the worm work he did for so many years with a parliamentary seat in New Democracy. The Anglo-Saxon model followed by the SKAI television group in defending New Democracy, as Portosalte had said, has another parameter. The function of SKAI as a political reservoir for future executives and MPs of the New Democracy.
We have mentioned the illusion of security offered by the arrogance of a dominant position of a political official or a big journalist. So now Babis Papadimitriou has crawled out of his house in front of the television cameras to protest against the state’s inability to stop terrorists.
A TV puppet with a consciously argumentative speech, whose persona has been skilfully manipulated over the years by the shipowners who have him on their payroll and the political managers of New Democracy. The similarities with Aris Portosalte are many. After all, together they have marked a period when SKAI was outraged by plaguing the social resistance to the imposition of the memorandum programmes. As a journalistic duo they provoked the anger and disgust towards them from the majority of society. It is no coincidence, moreover, that at the news of the attacks on their homes the social reactions were jubilant from a multitude of people of our class. Continue reading “Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for the Incendiary Attack on the House of Babis Papadimitriou by Direct Action Cells”
Taking responsibility for the arson attack at the Real Group – Nature takes revenge
“…winter has passed, spring has passed, summer has come, autumn will come and winter will come again, the seasons will pass, but we will remain here”
-quote by Kurdish rebels
People’s lives in the big cities have become so empty. People have ended up dragging their carcasses through a daily suffering and a constant despair just to take a picture of a utility bill at the end of the day and post it on social media with digital cries of futility about a world that leads nowhere and a reality that is unbearable for them in the capitalist machine. People’s eyes have been trained to remain glued to the screens with their brain functions losing touch with their emotions, anger, hatred for the degradation of this rotten world, pain for their neighbor, history, memory, nature. People have been trained to watch the world in a digital reality that runs at ever greater speeds and end up being inert beings in this digital consumption without shaping events. And we, among others, somewhere in the margins of Existence of today, humbly trying to keep the flame alive from the eyes of the people we have lost by our side.
“Then the dead die when they are forgotten.”
-Kostas Ouranis
“Even if we never win, we will always fight”
-Vassilis Maggos
In this way we have honored our dead: We carried the incendiary device for our attack on Real as if we were carrying the remains of the dead of the social war. Two years exactly after the death-state murder of Vassilis Maggos we did this action and the spirit of Vassilis was inside us smiling at us.
At dawn on 13/07 we left an incendiary device of small power on the ground floor of the building outside the door of the Real News – Real Fm snitches. After the external destruction of the door, a fire broke out in the upper part of the building through the duct resulting in the total destruction of the premises of Real News and Real Fm, as well as a shipping company located in the same building. Our action was planned in such a way that no human (or non-human) life such as a passerby, resident, animal or worker/employee would be endangered, as it was, even though Mitsotakis and his mouthpieces would wish for the opposite. We therefore recommend that people keep calm and not eat the lies of the state narrative of events raw because as we will explain below, we live in a reality of lies. For any inconvenience to the working sound engineer of the building due to the murderous negligence of her bosses in not making adequate provision for easy egress of the building, we will seek a public apology from her exclusively, saying in retrospect publicly and humbly that our purpose was to make a symbolic attack. After all we knew the specifications of our action and that it would not put an innocent person at risk in a concrete building in front of Kifissias Avenue in Maroussi. And we reiterate that this is a fact already. It is not a theoretical scenario or an intuition in the realm of probability. It is funny the dimensions and magnitude of the lie given around this issue in the mainstream media, indicative that Greece is one of the countries that are hitting rock bottom in terms of freedom of the press since everything is directed as updates from the government’s mouthpiece. Anyway, we are one of those parts of the working class that is fighting its own struggles alongside many other workers and in no way would we want to harm a sound engineer, but only cause material damage to the building at material cost to their bosses. The crocodile tears of the New Democracy fascists for the worker have provoked our above anger with their crude hypocrisy. I wonder if they ever felt any pain for the many employer murders that have occurred recently such as the electrician Christos Zorbas in the HPEIROS industry or the murder of the COSCO dock worker? Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy… that is all that characterises the vulgarity of those in power. And to clarify the landscape, to answer that if we wanted to kill as presented by the “4th power” i.e. the executive organs of the lie of the state, which are the journalists, we would come one morning with a crowd of workers inside the offices and leave the device. But because we simply did not and do not have such a purpose to endanger ignorant people, obviously for all the reasons in the world we did not choose to do so. Continue reading “Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for the incendiary attack at the Real Group – Nature takes revenge by ‘Thousands of Suns of the Night’”
The anarchist hunger striker G. Michailidis has been on hunger strike since 23/5 demanding his just demand for release after serving 3/5 of his sentence. For the past 2 months he has received rejection decisions for his just request, while he continues his hunger strike until today with the risk of suffering irreparable damage to his physical health.
At the same time, the state is taking provocative decisions by acquitting notorious and socially reprehensible cases of people in the system such as Hortaria, Leventis, Korkoneas, Filippidis and Lignadis.The above cases happen to take on dimensions because of the fame of the accused. The state protects and exonerates its own people and its supporters, which is a constant condition. The responsibility of the pro-democratic classes is to remind again and again of their capitalist and patriarchal values. Property is a sacred value of what exists, therefore destruction and vandalism are criminal acts. In contrast, rape of women and minors, state murder at the hands of cops are not so valuable to the state and justice. This was the message we were conveyed by the decisions of their courts in the last period of time. It is probably no coincidence that these decisions were made at this particular time and circumstance. On the other hand, the authorities are avenging and exterminating political prisoners, migrants, Roma and poor people by extending the time of their incarceration, without any regard for their procedural and human rights.Let us be clear, we are talking about a war of different worlds and values without any suspensions, which is why we do not believe in any rule of law.
So as an indicative warning for the next decision of the Lamia council on 25/7 we decided on the 7th week of the hunger strike, at dawn on Monday 11/7, the flame of the solidarity struggle will wrap a van of the car rental company Hertz in the area of Vyronas. Hertz supplies the Greek police forces with cars and offers special conditions of suppressive forces worldwide. Removing the Hertz label from the cars of the OPKE is not enough. Hertz is an enemy of the struggle against repression. We are here, following your steps and your movements; nothing will go unanswered.
Solidarity with the hunger strikers G. Michailidis, D. Hatzivassiliadis, D. Giagtzoglou.
Until the hanging of each cage
The struggle for the freedom of the one is a struggle for the freedom of all
Source: athens. indymedia
The anarchist prisoner G. Michailidis has been on hunger strike since 23/5 demanding the release he is entitled to and is already in danger of suffering permanent damage to his health. After the negative proposal of the prosecutor, the judicial authorities prolonged the torture of Giannis, setting the Lamia council that will meet for his release on Monday 25 July, the 64th day of our comrade’s hunger strike.
Alongside the intensifying torture of the captive comrade, the judicial system blatantly confirms its role as a mechanism for the maintenance and reproduction of class power and its culture. It releases the killer cop of the anarchist Alexandros Grigoropoulos, Korkoneas, the serial rapist Filippidis, the petty bourgeois murderer of Zackie, Horteria, acquits the big-time Leventis for the gang rape of Georgia Bika and gives parole to the serial child rapist, director of the national theatre, Lignadis. The message is clear. The bodies of the oppressed have no value against the appetites of the powerful and their praetorians. Those who belong to the ruling classes can murder and violate the bodies of the oppressed and bourgeois justice is there to reward them, to acquit them, to give them extenuating circumstances, to find them unsuspecting of committing new crimes.
On the contrary, comrade Giannis Michailidis is persecuted, tortured and remains indefinitely imprisoned and suspected of committing new crimes. Precisely because he did not use violence against those from below, but instead took up arms and turned them against the ruling classes and their temples. The temples of the reproduction of capital, of the exploitation and enslavement of our lives. The banks, the pillars of the capitalist system of power that for years, in order to maintain themselves at all costs, our lives have been torn apart by wage cuts, unemployment, home foreclosures, economic exclusion and misery.
As a sign of minimal practical solidarity with Giannis’ struggle, as a sign of our solidarity, we mounted an attack on the National Bank of Greece on G. Avxentiou Street in Ilisia, placing an incendiary device and causing damage to the exterior wall and an internal auxiliary room of the bank.
Let us make it clear that we will be, alongside Giannis, once again the cutting edge, which, even if only temporarily, will inevitably penetrate the murderous class that sustains this system of generalized enslavement and exploitation of (human and non-human) nature…
Victory in the struggle of Giannis Michailidis
Solidarity and strength to the captured comrades, hunger strikers in solidarity with G. Michailidis, Dimitris Hatzivassiliadis and Dinos Giagtzoglou.
Until the demolition of the last cage
Long live anarchy
Source: athens.indymedia
Intervention at the Greek embassy in London for G.Michailidis and the struggle of the migrants in Elaionas in Greece.
the text given out:
Giannis Michailidis is an anarchist prisoner on hunger strike since 23/5. He has served 8.5 years in prison and, while he fulfils all formal conditions for his release, he is kept in preventive detention. The Greek judges backed by the Greek state refuse to release him on the pretext that he does not meet the substantive conditions of release. This additional detention is being used at will to punish him for remaining unrepentant and maintaining a militant stance within the prison walls. This is not the first time Michailidis faces the vengeance of the Greek state. His heavy prosecution began in 2011 when an arrest warrant was issued against him for involvement in the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, for which he was later acquitted. He chose the path of illegality and was arrested in 2013 in Velvento Kozani, after expropriating a bank together with 3 other anarchists, where he was tortured by the police. Continue reading “London, UK: 11/07/22 Intervention at the Greek embassy in London for G.Michailidis and the struggle of the migrants in Elaionas”
In the war against the state we taste the most full and beautiful moments of freedom. These are the moments when we defy the power complex around us and the atmosphere, now full of gasoline and smoke, captures our definition of clean air on the street.
There, we always carry with us the prisoners of this war who are physically restrained in the cells of democracy. An integral part of the anti-authoritarian struggle, they are the imprisoned form of our self, as we, inversely, are the unreleased form of theirs.
One such moment was the evening of Saturday 18/6, when we set up a trap and attacked the Delta group, as well as the other repression groups that rushed to the Exarchia area, as a signal of solidarity with our imprisoned comrades. An attack that was accompanied by people present in the neighbourhood, giving for another Saturday the message that Exarchia is a field of resistance and struggle.
As for Bakoyannis and peace-loving citizens, they would be well advised to come to terms with the idea that as long as we exist the only law that will be applied will be the law of physics that calculates the distance travelled by a panicked Deltas running at 80klm/h. Besides, if they want the business community in the area to flourish they might as well open up parts garages left behind by their friends in uniform. Just as if they want redevelopment they can build the new apartment buildings in the area with all the marble and stones eating away at their heads.
Fighting greetings to: Giannis Michailidis, Georgia Voulgaris, Fotis Daskalas, Thanos Chatziangelou, Vangelis Stathopoulos, Iasonas Rodopoulos, Panagiotis Kalaitzis, Haris Mantzouridis, Kostas Sakkas, Dimitris Hadjivasiliadis, Georgos Petrakakakos, Spyros Christodoulou, Savvas Xiros, Dimitris Koufontinas, Pola Roupa, Nikos Maziotis, Dinos Giagtzoglou, Harika Kizilkaya, Hazal Secer, Sadi Naci Ozpolat, Sinan Oktay Ozen, Sinan Cam, Ali Ercan Gokoglu, Burak Agarmis, Halil Demir, Hasan Kaya, Anil Sayar, Ismail Zat
Source: athens.indymedia
Anarchist prisoner Giannis Michailidis has been imprisoned for more than 8 and a half years in the cells of democracy and 3 years in fugitive status in two different periods. His consistent commitment to the anarchist struggle, his unrepentant stance in front of the executioners of bourgeois justice, his practical questioning of the world of power and bourgeois legitimacy has put him in the crosshairs of the repressive and judicial mechanisms for years.
Giannis was prosecuted on the basis of a trumped-up charge of the mass revolt of the prisoners of Korydallos prison against the violent seizure of the then hunger-striking anarchist prisoner Dinos Giagtzoglou.
A persecution that targeted, without any evidence beyond solidarity texts, all the political prisoners of that period in order to put them in a new regime of hostage-taking, discontinued leaves, transfer from rural prisons, etc. Faced with the risk of prolonging his imprisonment and being transferred from the rural prisons where he was being held Giannis chose freedom, making an escape that allowed him to walk the paths of freedom for which he has fought consistently and at great cost throughout his life. Continue reading “Athens, Greece: Freedom to anarchist Giannis Michailidis – Gathering – Solidarity March Saturday 9 April 20:00 PM Εxarcheia Square”
Shouts of war; true sounds of freedom!!!
In this week of solidarity with the anarchist prisoners we make an open call to war, to continue and intensify the conflict against every expression of Power and to strengthen the bonds of affinity for combat among all the anti-authoritarian sectors that exist and walk common paths.
It is from this position that we remember comrades Sacco and Vanzetti as part of the broad sector of anarchic illegalism, who were called “the Galleanists”, who with bombs, expropriations and executions made the American soil tremble at the beginning of the last century. Supported by the creation and multiplication of affinity groups and violent action, the illegalists expanded anarchic ideas from the facts, understanding that word and action are inseparable.
Since then much water has passed under the bridge, many have been the deaths and many prisons have seen the passing of comrades who have proudly confronted Power from the place where it has been their lot to be, nevertheless the ideas that translate into affinity and action have endured and are those that today motivate us anarchists and subversives of the territory dominated by the Chilean State to continue the war from this confinement and in the streets, always bearing in mind the necessary harmony between prisoners and supportive and complicit environments that walk from the confrontation with the normality of the existing. Continue reading “Anarchic and subversive words from Chilean prisons, in the framework of the international week for anarchist prisoners”